Language learning in your inbox

Learn a language by conversing with your personal penpal
who provides corrections and improvements to your writing.

App screenshot

You write emails.
Your penpal responds and corrects.
You learn a language.

With LanguagePal, you don't need an app. You can respond on your own time, in your own way. It's learning-by-doing on your schedule.

Based in your Inbox
Practice like it's the real thing. Compose emails to your penpal and be in the mindset of writing to a real person.
Personalized feedback
Your penpal will provide corrections and improvements to your writing. You can also ask questions and get answers.
Recall-based learning
Your corrections are saved as flashcards. You can review them later to help you remember what you've learned.
Pass your language exam
Your penpal will learn your level of proficiency and adjust their feedback accordingly.

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"Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words."
- Mark Twain